Louisiana Concealed Handgun Permit Certification

Louisiana has a state-mandated training course for most people applying for a concealed handgun permit. Our Concealed Permit Certification course gives you the certification needed to apply for, or renew, a concealed handgun permit in Louisiana, a concealed weapon permit (CCW) in Florida, or for an enhanced permit in Mississippi. If you are a resident of Louisiana, you need a LA CHP to conceal carry a handgun here. The LA CHP is recognized in a total of 38 states, including Louisiana.

Maybe you have heard a LA concealed carry permit is no longer needed in Louisiana. Here are 10 great reasons of why you still need the permit.

  1. Permit holders are allowed to carry under reciprocity agreements in 37 other states.
  2. Permit holders can carry within 1000 feet of school property (federal and state law requires a permit). Many municipalities are covered by these firearm-free zones.
  3. Permit holders are allowed to conceal weapons other than handguns.
  4. Permit holders get civil immunity in Louisiana for using force.
  5. Permit holders can bypass background checks when purchasing firearms through FFL dealers.
  6. Permit holders can carry on some federal properties, such as national forest properties (not inside buildings).
  7. Permit holders can carry handguns in state parks or wildlife management areas.
  8. Permit holders are perceived by juries as more responsible due to the training received.
  9. Permit holders have a better chance of understanding the law and not going to prison.
  10. Permit holders are often more mentally and physically prepared to handle defensive situations due to the training and education they receive.

For Louisiana residents, our course is offered both in the traditional in-person format and our hybrid online format. With the online course, you can take the classroom material on your own time and at your own pace using our video-based e-learning system. This allows for higher retention of the information. I cover more topics, lessons, and skills during the online course. If you like video-based learning, this is really the way to go. You also have access to the material for 1 year so that you can go back and view the material again. After completing the online CHP course, you will still need to qualify in person with us, or one of our partner instructors around the state.

Louisiana State Police recommends that you apply using their online application system. You will then be fingerprinted local to you with a LSP partner location. The process isn’t hard but there are things that you need to pay attention to when applying. We do have a free online course available to help you through the application process.

Topics Covered:

  • Firearm Safety
  • Defensive Handgun Types, Nomenclature
  • Defensive Firearms ammunition
  • Holsters and Holster Presentation
  • Awareness
  • Avoidance
  • De-Escalation
  • Should vs. Could
  • Louisiana’s Laws on Use of Force
  • Regulations Surrounding the Permit
  • Alternative Force Options
  • Firearm Storage, Access Prevention, and Responsible Ownership
  • Defensive Shooting Basics
  • The Importance of Firearm Cleaning
  • Concealed Carry Considerations
  • The Aftermath of Using a Firearm in Self-Defense

Required Gear:

  • Defensive Handgun
  • 50 Rounds Ammunition
  • Hearing Protection
  • Eye Protection
  • Note-Taking Materials


In-Person $150
Online $99 (Plus $35 for Shooting Qualification)

Course Eligibility:

The Louisiana Concealed Handgun Permit Course isn’t really a learn-how-to-shoot course, it’s more of a learn-how-not-to-shoot-course. Louisiana does have a shooting qualification requirement, and this mostly makes up the time at the range.  If you are more interested in an intro class that teaches defensive shooting, please check out our Defensive Handgun 100 courses. These can also be combined with the LA CHP course for qualifying. We also offer private training sessions that better prepare students for concealed carry. Please contact us if you’re interested in signing up for this course and a private training session at a discounted rate.

Upcoming Events:

There are no upcoming events at this time

Partner Instructor Locations for our Online Course.

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